If you haven’t heard, this year marks the 125th Anniversary of the Village of Sturgeon Point! To celebrate, SPA is planning a series of special commemorative activities alongside our regular lineup of SUMMER EVENTS:
Kicking off the summer and our 125th anniversary celebration is our annual Canada Day Celebration on June 30th:

Canada Day Celebration Details:
10:30 AM: Head over to the church for a museum exhibit and talk titled, “Ripples in our Heritage: Importance of Our Waterways in Sturgeon Point and Kawartha Lakes”. The talk will delve into the heritage of water use at Sturgeon Point and Kawartha Lakes, from its early days to its present significance.
11:30 AM: Proceed to the Upper Wharf for the raising of the flag and National Anthem followed by the 125th Anniversary commemorative tree dedication.
12:00 PM: Celebrate Canada Day at the park with our annual BBQ. Mayor Doug Elmslie and Councillor Mike Perry will be attending. We’ll be serving hot dogs, hamburgers, fruit, veggies, water and dessert. Bring your own lawn chair and reusable cups/plates. SPA will have a table set up where you can pick up your 125th anniversary swag (or order if you missed out), sign up to join our Volunteer Team and register or renew your SPA membership in person. The much loved Canada Day silent auction bake sale will be in full swing. If you like to bake and would like to donate something homemade, we’ll be happy to sell it! Let us know what you’d like to donate here.
Civic Holiday Weekend:
Saturday, Aug 3rd – We’ll host the annual BBQ and dance in the park and unveil a commemorative 125th anniversary plaque (time TBD).
Sunday, Aug 4th – Swimming and Canoe races. (time TBD).
Monday, Aug 5th – Running races on Swananoa Lawn (10:00 AM).
SPA’s Annual General Meeting
Sunday, August 25th @ 10:00AM is SPA’s Annual General Meeting at the Church:
Please take note of the new date!! The AGM is NOT on the Labour Day weekend.
We’ll kick off the AGM with a slideshow celebrating the 125th anniversary of the Point titled, THEN and NOW. Attend the meeting to stay informed, share your thoughts, and participate in important discussions about Sturgeon Point’s future.
September 15th – Doors Open Ontario:
On September 15th (time TBD), local historian Ian McKechnie will lead a walking tour from the church to the rain shelter as part of Doors Open Ontario celebrating historic sites in Fenelon Falls, Sturgeon Point, and Bobcaygeon. For more information go here.
Heartfelt thanks to our amazing 125th Anniversary volunteers who have dedicated their time and effort to prepare for this celebration: Liz Spellen, Sue Milling, Judy Foster, Judy Haverkort-Lightbound, Patricia Aspinwall, Asher Aspinwall (for taking swag orders in the park,) and Darlene Young. Your hard work and commitment will make this event truly special.