SPGC August Golf Events

frog-golfThis past Civic Holiday weekend you may have sailed, swam, ran, ate and drank. But did you get out and play golf?

Luckily there are some events coming up at the SPGC:

Wednesday, August 3rd in the AM – WoW with the Women on Wednesdays – calling all ladies to come out and play.

Thursday, August 4th tee times starting at 4:00PM – Couples Golf Outing. $24 per couple plus $2 towards prizes. Carts extra if needed. Format is Scottish scramble – both people drive then alternate shots after that. Fun and prizes!

Friday, August 5th in the AM – Bring a guest to the Mens’ Friday group. Reduced green feed for guests and pizza after. Arrive at 8:00AM.

Contact the Pro Shop at 705-887-3144 to sign up for any of the above events or for further details.