After a long winter and dreary spring, it feels like summer is on the way!
We had a taste of some nice weather on the May long weekend and it was great to see members of the community out and about. With the beginning of summer, comes lots of fun and community activities in the Point. The Sturgeon Point Association board has been busy making sure all our properties are in tip top shape and have some fun activities planned.
Since the Sturgeon Point Association was formed in 2001, the SPA board has kept the membership fee as low as possible and has worked within a tight budget. As our membership numbers are fairly consistent each year, increasing our membership fees is our only way to increase our revenue. Each year, our expenses increase due to inflation, maintenance fees, event cost, general upkeep, etc. Last year we only ended up just covering our expenses and moving forward we need to rebuild our small reserve to pay for the capital improvement projects (such as the new raft at the beach) or emergency repairs (such as ice damage to the Upper Wharf that has happened in the past). For this reason, the board has decided to increase membership fees to $50 per adult. The last time membership fees were increased was 2013.
We hope you plan on enjoying our lovely properties we maintain (park, beach, upper wharf or leaf dump), or coming to one of our free events (Canada Day BBQ, Civic Holiday BBQ and Dance, Civic Holiday Races, or Halloween party) or continuing to support us to keep Sturgeon Point a beautiful historic village.
Find out more information about what SPA does and pay your membership online.
Patricia Aspinwall
SPA President