Blessing of the Bikes – Sunday, July 9th


Everyone is invited to a special Blessing of the Bikes this Sunday, July 9th at the Sturgeon Point Union Church.

The Reverend Canon Milton Barry has blessed SLSC sailboats in the past and is returning to the Point to provide a special blessing for the safety of our bike riders for this season.

Remember bike safety depends on you! Find out other community safety tips on the SPA site.


Arts and Crafts and Textiles Workshops for Kids with Rachel

Includes crafting; print making; felt making; painting; collages and textiles.

Two groups:

  • 8-10 year olds from 1:30 – 3:30
  • 11 – 13 year olds from 3:30 – 5:30.

Cost is $15.00 per session per person.

Workshops run from Monday – Friday from July 3rd – 15th

Location: 17 Henry Street (Rosehill).

For more information contact [email protected] or Henrietta at 250-516-7509.


Time to renew your SPA Membership!

Have you renewed your SPA membership yet? 

It’s easier than ever! Membership dues can be paid online with PayPal, or by cheque mailed or dropped in our mailbox at the park. Membership renewal information is available online.

We have had a tough couple of years financially due to the ice damage at the Wharf and Public Beach docks. As a result, membership revenue is extremely important. Early payment and any donations would be greatly appreciated. All SPA communication continues to be by e-mail only to keep costs down.

SPA membership fees have been kept deliberately low because we ask each resident of your household 18 and over to be SPA members.

We have had a lot of new families that have moved to Sturgeon Point in the last few years. We ask all residents to reach out to the newcomers, welcome them to Sturgeon Point and ask them to join and to support SPA.

A number or members own rental units in the village. SPA requests that any rental property be treated as a separate entity and that a separate membership be paid, to cover the visitors and guests that enjoy all the Point amenities.

Payment is quick and convenient online!