2016 Halloween @ Sturgeon Point

frog witchThis year Halloween festivities are taking place at Sturgeon Point on Saturday, October 29th.

2016 Thanksgiving Football Game

Sturgeon Point's Annual "Turkey Bowl"
Sturgeon Point’s Annual “Turkey Bowl”

Location – “Rigadoon” – 33 Henry Street (Wisener cottage)

Date – Sunday, October 9th

Time – 2:00pm to 4:00pm

Each year on Thanksgiving a group of folks gather at Sturgeon Point to toss the ol’ pigskin around and have a grand ol’ time. Over the past several years this event has taken place at the Wisener cottage.

Whether you are interested in playing or just watching and socializing with friends and neighbours everyone is welcome!

Please bring your own lawn chair/blanket and beverage of choice.

The format of the game is touch football for all ages. Teams are distinguished as “Hats” and “No-Hats” so if you plan to play, please bring a hat with you.

Sturgeon Point Golf Course Awards and AGM – Sat. Sept.3rd @ 10am

sturgeon_point_golf_logoAnnual General Meeting

The Sturgeon Point Golf Club AGM will take place on Saturday September 3rd at 10:00 a.m. in the Members’ Lounge.

All golf course members are encouraged to attend. Awards will be presented to the winners of all competitions in the Club Championship and Match Play. Come and show your support!


The Board is comprised of 9 Members: 5 residents of Sturgeon Point and 4 off-Point members, according to the Club’s Bylaws. There will be an election for the 4 off-Point members, with 3 current Board members (Ruth Long, Grant Allman and George Welwood) and 2 potential members (Bill Baker and Bob Burns) looking to fill 4 spots.

There are proxy forms available at the clubhouse. If you cannot attend the AGM, please fill in a form and return it to the Pro Shop, so that your vote can be counted.
