A reminder that the 2015 SPA AGM takes place on Aug.30th at 12:30pm at the Sturgeon Point Union Church.
Here is the AGM Agenda and a link to the minutes from last year.
Village of Sturgeon Point, ON, Canada
A reminder that the 2015 SPA AGM takes place on Aug.30th at 12:30pm at the Sturgeon Point Union Church.
Here is the AGM Agenda and a link to the minutes from last year.
We encourage all community members to attend and participate.
A copy of the 2014-SPA AGM Minutes are available online.
An email reminder will be sent to everyone.
Haven’t paid your 2015 membership yet? There will be an opportunity to pay at the AGM or pay online now!
Notice to racers has been posted.
Registration, 9 am on Saturday at the Sturgeon Lake Sailing Club
The regatta offers Opti, Pico, 420, Laser Radial, Laser full-rigs, and handicap classes.
Following a day of races on Sunday, a barbeque party and prizegiving will be held at Rosehill (7 Henry St).
When: Sunday, August 2nd at 2pm
Where: the Public Beach
Please bring a life jacket and water shoes.
When: Monday, August 3rd at 10am
Where: Swananoa Front Lawn
Races from babies to 100+
Remember to stay for the candy toss!
Access the 2015 Regatta Details.