Municipal Election Web Page

In case you haven’t noticed, we’ve posted a Municipal Election Page  on our site. As the title plainly indicates, the page is dedicated to the upcoming municipal election that will be happening on October 25. . On it you’ll find the information you need to get your vote in, as well as links to local press coverage related to the mayoral candidates and the cnadidates that are running for Ward 7. We’re updating the press coverage several times a week, so come back and check it out.

2010 Annual General Meeting

The Sturgeon Point Association’s AGM will be held on Sunday, Sept. 5th at 10:00 a.m. at the Union Church. The meeting will start with a short presentation about the black bears in our community. A representative of the MNR will be on hand to make the presentation, and the discussion will include safety and accident prevention. The AGM will then proceed, following the normal agenda. This will include the nomination of new board members and discussions about recent issues facing the community and plans for the coming year.

The documentation for the meeting, including the minutes of last year’s AGM and this year’s financial statements, can be downloaded by clicking on this link. Refreshments will be provided after the meeting. This is the last event of the summer. Hope to see you there!

Sunday of Music at the Church

The last Church service of the summer will be held this Sunday (August 22nd), but there will be a special event the following Sunday. Come and enjoy a Sunday of Music on August 29th at the Church. This event will showcase local musical talent and is sure to be fine morning of music. There will be no service that morning, and everyone is welcome as usual. For those who don’t attend the regular Church services during the summer, this event is a great opportunity to enjoy a very unusual building as well. For more information please check out the Sunday of Music Flyer.

Sturgeon Point Church
Sturgeon Point Union Church

Bear in Sturgeon Point

This morning (Sunday, August 8 ) a black bear was spotted in a tree behind the Sturgeon Point Union Church.  The bear was discovered at about 7:30 a.m., and left the scene two hours later, missing Desmond Howard’s sermon at the church by 30 minutes. The bear obviously had other places to be.

The photos shown here were taken by Cacky Phipps and family, who watched the bear from their cottage. Thanks to Cacky for making them available.

This is a good time to remind everyone to beware of bears, and to give them plenty of respect. If you see a bear and believe that it poses a possible threat you can call the BEAR REPORTING LINE at 1-866-514-2327. For life threatening emergencies call 911.

Following a few simple steps can help reduce the chances of human-bear interactions. One of the most important is to reduce the smell of garbage in our village by keeping garbage in closed containers and not putting it out until the night before or morning of garbage pick-up. To learn more about black bears and what you can do to reduce the potential for danger from them, please visit the MNR’s BEARWISE web site.