Sturgeon Point Association AGM

The Annual General Meeting for the Association will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, September 6 at the Union Church. Refreshments will be served after the meeting. Please plan to attend. This is an excellent opportunity to hear about the projects and issues that have occupied SPA over the past year and those that will be on our plates over the coming year. Its also a great chance to bring forward and discuss issues that are important to you. You can read the SPA AGM Notice and print it out if you like. It includes the agenda for the meeting. Check back soon to get the AGM info package. It will include SPA’s annual financial statements and the minutes of last year’s AGM.  See you there!

Golf page update

The Golf Course Page has been updated and upgraded. You can now find the latest newsletters and scheduling information on there. You can expect to see a new newsletter every month in season. Check this site for the latest club news.

We’ve also recently introduced a new navigation tool that you’ll notice on the left hand side of this web page. It is visible from any page on this site, and lets you navigate directly to any page. This new widget will facilitate a better structure for the various pages and subpages on the site. Check back soon for more updates.

Street Dance and the 171st Regatta

The long weekend is over, Rick and the band have packed up and gone home after the street dance and barbeque on Saturday night, and the 171st running of the Sturgeon Point Regatta has now joined the 170 previous regattas in the history books. Both events were very succesful. A big thank-you goes out to all of those people who helped organise, prepare food, cook, clean up, and do the many other small jobs that get done to make these events work. A special thanks goes out to Maureen McKellar who headed up the street dance event.

This year’s regatta was deftly handled by Simon and Patti Aspinwall, who took over from the long-time stewardship of Larry and Leslie Thomas. The turnout was tremendous, the weather was great and there was much excitement as everyone participated in or watched the morning’s events. Thanks once again to the gang at Swananoa for generously hosting the events on their beautiful yard. The afternoon events at the Public Beach were somewhat abbreviated by the cancellation of the canoe races due to rough water and the lack of available crash boats. Much fun was had by all in any case. Click on this to see the group photo of the attendees of the morning races.

Mid Ontario Sailing Regatta this weekend – July 25 – 26

SailingOur own Sturgeon Lake Sailing Club is hosting the 2009 Mid Ontario Championship Regatta this weekend. This is a big event that attracts a large number of participants. Sturgeon Point comes up big to host a few hundred competitors and families in our small community every year the Regatta is held here. You’ll almost certainly notice a few tents and a whole lot of young sailors out and about our community this weekend.  You’ll certainly notice an unusually large number of sailboats on the lake – its quite a sight. Let’s hope for fair winds and good weather to help make our visitors feel welcome.