New Look and Feel for the SPA Web Site

You may have noticed a slightly new look to our web site. As promised, we’ve started on our task of updating the site’s features and functions. We’re working on a number of things over the winter so that the site can be more useful to our community. Part of that upgrade includes a new calendar page. Other features will be pointed out in posts like this as we roll them out.  

I invite anyone who has any suggestions or comments about what they’d like to see on the web site to submit them via email to [email protected]. I promise that we’ll read them all.

December Newsletter now online

The most recent SPA newsletter has been sent out by both email and by post. As usual you can access it as well as past newsletters, on the SPA page of this web site. If you’d like to read the December newsletter right now, click here

If you are not on our mailing list and would like to be, please send a note saying so to [email protected]. Membership is not necessary to be on our email distribution list. Naturally we don’t share the distribution list with anyone, for any reason. Newsletters and other communications are sent out approximately four to six times per year.

The new Village Sign installation complete

Refurbished Sturgeon Point Village Sign

The frame supporting the village sign at the entrance to Sturgeon Point has been replaced. The old wooden frame was barely standing, although the sign itself remained in good condition.  A new steel frame was fabricated and installed by Cottrell & Krell, a local metal working and mechanical shop. The frame includes an additional mounting feature below the main sign, providing more opportunities for signage in the future. The original painted sign was freshened up by John Lyon, the artist who created the sign many years ago.

You might notice that the sign has a little more visibility than it did before. This is because the sign now stands a little higher off of the ground, and the area around the sign has been cleaned up too. As a final touch, one thoughtful neighbour has added some holiday decorations to the sign – thank you Maureen!

A significant part of the funding for this project was provided through a matching grant from the CoKL’s  Community Partnership and Development Fund.

McGee and Junkin win the CoKL election

Incumbents Ric McGee and Brian Junkin have both held onto their seats in council. Unofficial results reported by the CoKL indicate that Mayor McGee defeated Andy Letham by a little over 1100 votes. Lynne Boldt trailed both a distant third, receiving about 8.3% of the vote. Brian Junkin defeated challenger Gail Thommassen in a very close race for Ward 7 Councillor. The (unofficial) vote count for the Council seat was 1094 to 928, a margin of only 166 votes, or 8%. (The official vote count will be announced in the afternoon of October 26.)

The challengers also deserve our thanks and congratulations. This was a close race, and the candidates campaigned very hard. Part of that effort included an all-candidates meeting right here in Sturgeon Point. They all demonstrated their strong commitment to the political process and to Sturgeon Point.

Both Ric McGee and Brian Junkin have been strong supporters of Sturgeon Point in the past and we look forward to continuing our excellent working relationships with them in the coming years. Congratulations to them both.