Edible Wild Plant Walk in Sturgeon Point!


Join Karen Stephenson from EdibleWildFood.com for an exploration of nature!

Monday June 24 @ 2 p.m.

31 Graham Lane, Sturgeon Point

Carpool from Fenelon Falls – Parking beside Curling Club, Bond St. W. @ 1:30

Dress for the weather (in layers), and wear sturdy shoes

$5 per person, or $10 includes a copy of her book “Fields of Nutrition”

 Wild edibles exist almost everywhere and are in abundance if you forage for them. Edible wild food has naturally grown in almost every corner of our planet for tens of thousands of years. Edible weeds, flowers and wild herbs were foraged and used as food (as well as medications); and they provided all the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients required for the human body to maintain good health. Foraging for food used to be the way to survive.

Chances are edible weeds are in your backyard, on pathways you walk every day, or in fields you see every day. Many of these plants can be foraged and added to your daily diet to increase your nutritional intake.

Join us to discover:

  • Find out how many vitamins, minerals and nutrients are in wild plants.
  • Discover the health benefits from “weeds”.
  • Tips on harvesting and storing.

Karen will be speaking Monday evening, June 24 @ 7:30 p.m. at the Fenelon Falls Horticulture Society, Salvation Army Citadel, Bond St. W.  Guests are welcome.

Volunteers Needed

Calling all Sturgeon Pointers and friends of the community!
SPA is looking for help from any and all members of the community, whether it is for 5 minutes or 5 hours.  All help is appreciated!  Below are descriptions are the help we are currently looking for.  We are sure there is something for everyone so, please contact us ([email protected]) if you have any time to help us.  Any of these volunteer positions would be great for students looking for community hours!

175th Civic Weekend Anniversary
There are some special things planned for this weekend, but we need help!  We are looking for people to help out at all the fun events (Civic BBQ & Dance, Running Races, Water Races), people to help with the coordinating and selling of the memorabilia items, and people to help put together some historic displays.

Social Events
Do you have a favourite social event at the Point? Do you love doing some of the behind the scenes organizing? Or do you just like to help out where a BBQer is needed?  Our Social Director is looking for volunteers to help out at the SPA events. What role you take and for which event/s is up to you.

Social Media / Webpage 
Are you a fan of Social Media? Always on facebook or love designing websites?  Well then you are the right person to help the Communication Director.  She is looking for someone to help out with all of SPA’s social media and website related tasks.


John (Doc) Savage

John (Doc) Savage, a long time resident of the Sturgeon Point community, passed away on Thursday.  Doc was a pillar of the community and was the reeve of the village for many years.  He was the last reeve before the village was amalgamated.

A memorial will be held at St. James Church, Fenelon Falls on Thursday, May 23rd at 7pm.