Bear Cub

A bear cub has been seen wondering the streets of Sturgeon Point.

Please be careful.  Bears can be dangerous, so please do not interact with them, approach them, and definitely do not feed them. If you’d like to report the bears to the MNR bear reporting line, you can call them at 866-514-2327. For emergencies, dial 911.

And let us know about any bear sightings you have, by posting on our Facebook page.

Canada Day Celebration BBQ

The Sturgeon Point annual “Welcome to Summer” BBQ lunch event will be held on Canada Day – Sunday, July 1st at 12:00 noon at the Park

There will be a BBQ lunch, raising of the flags on our refurbished flag pole, then the favorite activity for all – cake!

Everyone is welcome, and we hope to see you there!

More information can be found on our Facebook page


Easter in the Park

Easter in the Park!

Time to enjoy the wonderful spring weather that has come our way!  Join us at the park for a fun filled Easter celebration in true Sturgeon Point style!

There are super activities planned for kids of all ages egg hunt, crafts, egg dying, and more!

Join us at the park at 1:00 pm on Saturday, April 7th.  The Egg Hunt will begin promptly at 1:30.

Please bring your own Easter baskets/bags.

Upper Wharf

In the quietness of the fall, there have been some busy guys around working on the Upper Wharf area.  W. G. Jackett & Sons have installed natural stone stairs at the Upper Wharf to make it more accessible for everyone in Sturgeon Point.  Below is a before and a few after pictures.

The majority of the work has been completed, but there is more to do.  We are hoping that everything will be finished by the spring.

There will be a stair railing installed, the posts (also called “bollards”) are to be replaced, and general beautification with plants and flowers to be done in the spring.

Next time you are near the Upper Wharf – check out the new steps.  We would love to hear what you think of them.  And please let us know if you would like to help with the beautification in the spring!