Lake water irrigation system – low water volume advisory

Two of three water pumps that feed our lake water irrigation system are temporarily out of service. The single remaining pump may be unable to supply the volume of water required to maintain adequate pressure throughout the water system during periods of high demand.

A second pump will be brought back online on Monday, and the water supply will be back to normal at that time. The third pump will be brought back up in the following days. In the meantime we ask that you restrict water usage where possible. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

Canada Day Celebration BBQ

The Sturgeon Point annual “Welcome to Summer” BBQ lunch event will be held on Canada Day – Sunday, July 1st at 12:00 noon at the Park

There will be a BBQ lunch, raising of the flags on our refurbished flag pole, then the favorite activity for all – cake!

Everyone is welcome, and we hope to see you there!

More information can be found on our Facebook page


Lake water irrigation system temporarily shut down…

The lake water irrigation system has been shut down on Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Streets pending the repair of a leaking water pipe. The eastern section of the water system remains up and running. The repairs are expected to be completed in the coming days. Note that we are expecting some rain on Tuesday, which will provide some relief for those of you with thirsty gardens.

Bulletin – Recent Burglaries in Sturgeon Point

This note is to inform Sturgeon Point residents and cottagers that there were several burglaries in Sturgeon Point during the week of January 9th. The burglaries resulted in electronics being stolen and doors and windows being broken. It is possible that some or all of these burglaries happened in a single day and are related as part of a single multiple-site event.

The OPP have stepped up their patrols in response to these events. SPA is in communications with the OPP to explore the possibility of initiating a “Cottage Watch” or similar program. We’ll keep you posted on this initiative.

Regrettably, Sturgeon Point has seen this kind of activity in the past. There are several actions we can all take in order to help safeguard our properties

  1. Be alert to suspicious vehicles and activities. Don’t be afraid to notify the police if you think something looks wrong.
  2. Communicate with your neighbours. Let them know about your plans, including visits by contractors and service people.
  3. Have someone check in on your property in your absence.
  4. Make sure that someone has a phone number where you can be reached in case you need to be contacted.
  5. Make sure that someone has a key to your cottage in case they or the police need access when investigating the state of your property.

Here are the OPP phone numbers you may want to have handy:

Emergencies: 911

Police Dispatch:  (888) 310-1122  (to request the presence of an officer, report a crime, etc):

Lindsay OPP Office: (705) 324-6741 [Follow up, request information, general enquiries, etc.]