Street Dance and Barbeque!

One of the highlights of the Civic Holiday Weekend is going to be the Sturgeon Point Street Dance and Barbeque on Saturday, August 1st.  This is your chance to dance on Irene Avenue with all of your friends and neighbours. A real live band will be pumping out the tunes at the Park. Things will get under way at 6 o’clock.  There will be Barbeques cooking up burgers and hotdogs. Be there or be square!

Barbeque Lunch and Park Grand Opening Ceremony

The park restoration and renewal project is winding down to a very successful completion, and the park is ready to be enjoyed by all. Come celebrate at the Park Grand Opening Ceremony at noon on July 4th. We will be unveiling a plaque recognizing the tremendous contributions that made the project possible. We’ll also be having a barbeque lunch for everyone to enjoy. See you there!