Bears in Sturgeon Point (again!)

Cubs playing on the lawn
Cubs playing on the lawn

The photo on the left shows a pair of bear cubs playing on a local lawn last Tuesday. The cubs have been spotted roaming around the Point almost every morning over the past week or two. It is not uncommon for bears to visit the community at this time of year, and it makes it all the more important to take precautions to ensure that these wild animals don’t linger and become a nuisance. Among other things, that means not putting your garbage outside until garbage day, keeping your BBQ clean after you’ve grilled dinner on it, and taking your bird feeders down or removing the bird seed.

The Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) has been made aware of these two scoundrels. The MNR is very relectant to trap and relocate young cubs, and they will not come unless they start to pose a serious problem. There is an unconfirmed report that a third bear has been spotted as well. This one might be the mother. Please contact us if you have seen all three together. You can submit a comment to this post or simply send me an email at [email protected].

Bears can be dangerous, so please do not interact with them, approach them, and definitely do not feed them. If you’d like to report the bears to the MNR bear reporting line, you can call them at 866-514-2327. For emergencies, dial 911.

August 2011 Newsletter and AGM document package now available online

The August newsletter has been sent out by email. A number of copies were also mailed out to those without email access. As usual, we have posted the newsletter on our SPA Archive web page. The 2011 SPA AGM package has also been posted on the same page. You’ll find it near the bottom of the page. The document package includes the meeting agenda, the financial statements as well as the minutes of last year’s AGM,

If you’re not on our email distribution list and would like to receive our newsletters by email, then please send us an email at [email protected] so that we can get you the list. No obligation, and we never share your email with anyone.

Blue-Green Algae Bloom Update (August 16, 2011)

Toxicology results have confirmed low levels of microcystin-LR in the eastern leg of Sturgeon Lake. The good news is that the toxin levels were very low – in fact, they were lower than the acceptable level for this toxin in drinking water. (Note: This doesn’t mean that the lake water is safe to drink!)

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Blue-green Algae confirmed – warning remains in place (August 11, 2011)

The Ministry of the Environment’s test results have confirmed the presence of anabaena, a species of blue-green algae (sometimes known as Cyanobacteria). This is a species that can produce toxins in the water. In sufficient concentrations these toxins can cause health problems.  The health warning will stay in effect until further notice.

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