Editorial by Cat Medici, President, Sturgeon Point Association

Is it just me or does it seem like there are more private fireworks displays these days? Every occasion seems to be a cause worthy of celebrating with pretty explosives: it’s a holiday, it’s a weekend, Sandra got a promotion, little Joey took his first steps…
There was a time that I looked forward to fireworks; a time when we got to see them twice a year, at Victoria Day and Canada Day. Now I shake my head every time I see them across the lake or coming from my neighbourhood park on a seemingly uneventful day. Not because I’m against fireworks but because it has become too much.
What has also recently come into my awareness is how fireworks, especially large fireworks displays, affects wildlife. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner, because my own dog shakes and finds a place to hide deep in the basement when he hears fireworks. I consider myself a smart, empathetic person and I never made the connection that wildlife may respond as negatively as my dog.
Ontario Nature Magazine has a blog about fireworks written by Enid Mallory called “Protecting Ontario’s Lakes From Fireworks” that was published in advance of NYE.
I’m not advocating for a total fireworks ban on behalf of myself or as the voice of SPA. I am advocating for education on all things environment so people can make educated choices about issues that affect the welfare of the Kawartha Lakes and broader environment. There will always be opinions on both sides that can be backed up or refuted with studies and facts and everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
Love ’em or hate ’em, it’s definitely a subject to think about.