Kawartha Conservation Water Quality Study

Kawaratha Conservation completed two water quality studies this past summer on Sturgeon, Balsam, Cameron, and Pigeon Lakes: Near Shore Monitoring and Starry Stonewort. 

The results are in and Sturgeon Lake’s results came back quite good.

Read the results of the Near Shore Monitoring study: 

See all the confirm sightings of Starry Stonewort in the City of Kawartha Lakes: https://www.eddmaps.org/county.cfm?sub=74386&id=3516

New Look and Feel for the SPA Web Site

You may have noticed a slightly new look to our web site. As promised, we’ve started on our task of updating the site’s features and functions. We’re working on a number of things over the winter so that the site can be more useful to our community. Part of that upgrade includes a new calendar page. Other features will be pointed out in posts like this as we roll them out.  

I invite anyone who has any suggestions or comments about what they’d like to see on the web site to submit them via email to [email protected]. I promise that we’ll read them all.

New sturgeonpoint.com

Welcome to the new site for sturgeonpoint.com. The Sturgeon Point Association is working to improve communications with our membership. To do this we have moved the website to a new framework called WordPress. The first change you will notice is that all the latest information on SPA, community news and events will all be found on the front page. The site is also much easier to update so that we can get information out to you in a quicker manner and from various sources. As always we would love to hear from you. You can leave comments on any posting on the site to share your thoughts. If you have suggestions on improving the site then please let us know.