Residents and visitors are asked to do their part to keep our community safe.
Information and links below for bear safety, fire ban info and general visibility with trees and bushes around the Point.
For those travelling to and from the Sturgeon Lake Sailing Club, please follow the bike path. This provides an alternate bike route into the club from the top of the hill by the Wroe’s greenhouse.
When you pass the Wroe’s driveway, look for a path to the right, just before you get to the downhill. Take the right, and you will emerge at the north end of the Boathouse. Remember, this is still a path and not a roadway so please use caution when navigating the terrain.

There have been reports of bears around the Point especially the night before garbage collection.
As bears travel in search of natural food, they can be drawn to human-caused, unnatural food sources. These sources include:
- Garbage
- Bird food (seed, suet and nectar)
- Food put outside for pets or wildlife
- Compost, grease and food residue on barbecue grills
- Food smell (baking or cooking with open windows or doors)
- Agriculture crops such as corn and soya
For non-emergency encounters call the Bear Wise reporting line: 1-866-514-2327 (April 1st to November 30)
Call the Bear Wise reporting line if a bear is:
- Returning often to your property
- Roaming around, checking garbage cans
- Breaking into a vehicle, shed, garage or unoccupied building
- In a tree in an urban area
- Pulling down a bird feeder or knocking over a barbecue
- Injured or dead
For emergency encounters: Call 911 or local police if a bear poses an immediate threat to personal safety.
For information from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry please visit
Open Fires
A reminder to check the City of Kawartha Lakes for the current information about burn bans.
You will also find information on that page regarding open air burning and permits as well as fireworks.
When entering Kawartha Lakes by road you will note the burn status on the welcome sign.
Road Safety
Keeping our community safe is a top priority for SPA. We are in regular contact with the City of Kawartha Lakes concerning several road safety issues.
A reminder that the speed limit in the village is 30KM/HR.
As summer residents return to the Point, and hundreds of people will be walking and biking, please DRIVE SLOWLY AND WATCH FOR CHILDREN ON BIKES. Our children are precious, and not always watchful, so please take it as your personal responsibility to keep them safe.
A more specific request is to be watchful at Sturgeon Point Rd and Golf Links Rd. This is a hazardous intersection, and we have already had one bicycle accident there in the past few years. We must not have any more.
For maintenance issues including streetlight outage, please use this online form to report your incident to the City of Kawartha Lakes.
Visibility from your Property
With all of the wet weather we have been having many properties are lush and green but that also means the surrounding bushes and trees have become overgrown.
The City of Kawartha Lakes City Maintenance did come through the Point to do some hand trimming of overgrown limbs and branches however, each property owner is asked to take a look at their driveways, areas along the road and especially corners to ensure clear visibility.
There are many children riding on bikes and it is difficult to see on-coming traffic with overgrown bushes, hedges and long grass in the way.