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Village of Sturgeon Point, ON, Canada
Get all the details on our Community page.
The Union Church has posted a notice on their website that summer services will be cancelled for the time being due to COVID-19.
“We regret to announce all services of worship, weddings, celebrations of life, concerts, plays and other ways the church is typically used are suspended due to COVID-19. If we are allowed to re-open before Labour Day, and feel it is safe for our community and our ministers, we will update this space. Please stay well.”
Last night a large adult bear and three yearling bears were seen in the Point dining at a resident’s bird feeder. From the amount of garbage strewn onto Irene Avenue this morning it was clear the bears had been through the Point.
Garbage collection is pretty early (starting at 7am) and apparently the driver is now picking up on both sides of the street at the same time. Some residents may be putting garbage out the night before so they don’t miss pick up and this is attracting the bears.
The resident called the Bear Wise line (1-866-514-2327) and a Ministry of Natural Resources agent took the information and created a report. She was asked to take the bird feeder down as the bears will return to their food source until they find they cannot get anything at that location any longer.
Please remember to remove your bird feeders and only put garbage out the morning of pick up.
If you see a bear, please call the Bear Wise line at 1-866-514-2327 and file a report. They will track the number of incidents and be able to act should there be a safety risk.
If there is immediate danger, please call 9-1-1.
The Bear Wise information is also under Community at https://www.sturgeonpoint.com/community/safety-at-the-point/
During this State of Emergency, the Sturgeon Point Association asks that all member of this community work together to help keep our residents healthy by not using the public lands: the beach, upper wharf and park.
We understand that may be difficult when you have little children that you have to keep busy and entertained, however we all must work together to keep our community safe.
Explore Fenelon Falls has some great COVID-19 resources on their website.
Thank you for your understanding. Be well.