The passing of Dr. Bob Spencer

On November 4th, 2017 at the grand age of 93, Dr. L.R. (Bob) Spencer MD kept his final appointment, with his loving family at his side. Bob is survived by his 93-year old wife Joan, sons Martin (Cora) and Tony (Troy), as well as grandchildren, Carmina and Benjamin.

Born in London, England in 1924, young Bob had dreams to be an actor but his true calling was family medicine. Earning his MD at Cambridge post-WWII, Bob entered the RCAF and emigrated to Canada in the early 1950s with his newlywed wife, Joan Leech. Together, they built a bustling private practice out of their home in suburban Don Mills, where he became one of the true pioneers of family medicine in Ontario.

Bob smoked a pipe, drove a Jaguar, and made housecalls. With a droll wit as sharp as any scalpel, he was adored by patients for his multidisciplinary and preventive brand of personalized medicine. Skeptical by nature, he was nevertheless an early adopter of healing modalities like Acupuncture, provided they worked for his patients.

A sailor in his prime, Bob was a man of few hobbies unless you count spaghetti al dente, Coronation Street, mystery novels, dry martinis, hot soup, Savile Row suits, and anything with salt. He escaped to Rotary Club and the RCYC for leisure and loved ’76 Trombones’ from ‘The Music Man’ by Rodgers & Hammerstein.

In home life, Bob valued his privacy, loathed the phone, and loved wife Joan’s gourmet cooking in a marriage that endured for 66-years. He may never have become an actor, but Bob’s private practice gave him all the stage he needed for the role of a lifetime.

A Celebration of the Doctor’s remarkable life will be held on the 18th of November at Rosedale Presbyterian Church at 11:00 A.M. for family, old friends, and former patients.

Memorial Service

11:00 am – 12:00 pm Saturday, November 18, 2017

Rosedale Presbyterian Church
129 Mount Pleasant Road
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M4W 1R4

Additional obituary information can be found online.

2017 Halloween at Sturgeon Point

2014 Halloween at Sturgeon Point

This year Halloween festivities are taking place on Saturday, October 28th.

Raft Reckin’ Event

The raft from the Sturgeon Point Public Dock is beyond the state of repair.

Volunteers from the community are invited to come out to help dismantle it.

When: Sat.Oct.7th

Time: 9am

Where: Sturgeon Point Public Dock

Contact Judy Haverkort if you have any questions.

[email protected]

2017 Thanksgiving Football Game

Sturgeon Point’s Annual “Turkey Bowl”

Location – “Rigadoon” – 33 Henry Street (Wisener cottage)

Date – Sunday, October 8th

Time – 2:00pm to 4:00pm

Each year on Thanksgiving a group of folks gather at Sturgeon Point to toss the ol’ pigskin around and have a grand ol’ time. Over the past several years this event has taken place at the Wisener cottage.

Whether you are interested in playing or just watching and socializing with friends and neighbours everyone is welcome!

Please bring your own lawn chair/blanket and beverage of choice.

The format of the game is touch football for all ages. Teams are distinguished as “Hats” and “No-Hats” so if you plan to play, please bring a hat with you.