Bike Safety Update

For those travelling to and from the Sturgeon Lake Sailing Club, there is a new leg of the bike path. This provides an alternate bike route into the club from the top of the hill by the Wroe’s greenhouse.

When you pass the Wroe’s driveway, look for a path to the right, just before you get to the downhill. Take the right, and you will emerge at the north end of the Boathouse.

Remember, this is still a path and not a roadway so please use caution when navigating the terrain.

A reminder that anyone under the age of 18 MUST wear a helmet when riding their bike or anything with wheels.

For anyone under 16, parents and guardians MUST ensure the child is wearing a helmet.

The “2-4-1 Helmet Salute” is an easy way to make sure your helmet fits right so it can protect you:

  • the edge of the helmet should be two fingers above the eyebrows to protect the forehead;
  • four fingers to ensure the straps meet in a V shape just below the ears;
  • one finger should fit between the chin and the chin strap; and
  • it should not shift around more than an inch in any direction.
The “2-4-1 Helmet Salute”.

Sturgeon Point Golf Course Classic – July 29th

Sturgeon Point Golf Club Classic
Tournament and Fundraiser

When: July 29, 2017
Start time: 3pm

$150 for golf and dinner
$100 for dinner only


  • Live & Silent Auction
  • Tournament Prizes
  • Live Band – Absolutely Right
  • Catered by Shaws Catering

Funds raised will go towards updating the course and clubhouse.

Contact the golf course to reserve your spot today!

Tel: 705-887-3144

Blessing of the Bikes – Sunday, July 9th


Everyone is invited to a special Blessing of the Bikes this Sunday, July 9th at the Sturgeon Point Union Church.

The Reverend Canon Milton Barry has blessed SLSC sailboats in the past and is returning to the Point to provide a special blessing for the safety of our bike riders for this season.

Remember bike safety depends on you! Find out other community safety tips on the SPA site.