2015 Sturgeon Point Shinny


The ice has been booked at the Fenelon Falls Arena for the following days & times:

December 28: 3-5PM

December 29: 3-5PM

December 30: 3-5PM

Daily pricing remains the same: $20 / family & $10 / single

Thanks to Larry Thomas for arranging this event again this year.

Halloween Success!


The Halloween party at the park this year was a hit! The most pumpkins carved ever.

Many thanks to Judy Haverkort for coordinating the efforts.

Thanks to:

  • Paul Wroe for growing and donating the pumkins.
  • Barb Allan for the crafts.
  • Christina Hall for helping with decorations and clean up.
  • Jacqui Mutch for the map of houses participating in trick or treat.

And thanks to everyone for participating!