City of Kawartha Lakes Septic Rehabilitation Loan Program

City offers loan program to help homeowners solve septic problems

Applications are available at the city’s website or at Municipal Service Centres

 Kawartha Lakes This Week

(KAWARTHA LAKES) Applications are now available for the City’s septic rehabilitation loan program in which local homeowners can get money to perform repairs on their septic systems – or even get them replaced if necessary.

“This program provides a unique opportunity for rural residents to upgrade their septic systems and obtain financing that will be paid on their taxes at a lower interest rate than what most people would be able to achieve through conventional lending institutions. A great time for homeowners to address concerns with their private systems to improve the environment and ultimately local water quality,” says Mayor Ric McGee.

City of Kawartha Lakes council has set aside $150,000 for the program, and loans will be handed out on a first-come, first-served basis and repayment schedules vary from five to 20 years, depending on the amount of the loan. The loans will not exceed 25 per cent of the current value assessment of the property or $35,000, including taxes.

If the property in question is owned by more than one person, all owners must sign the agreement with the City with the loan being a lien against the property. Also, if there are other financial agreements attached to the property, applicants must comply with their obligations to other lenders because this loan takes priority over other registered interests appearing on the title.

For more information or to get an application, visit the city’s website or a Municipal Service Centre.

Calling All Easter Volunteers

Sad BunnyFor the past few years, we have celebrated Easter as a community with a Easter in the Park Party. It usually happens on the Saturday afternoon in the park. Traditionally there is an Easter Egg hunt, craft, food, and general fun!

We are looking for volunteers to run this event. We have had NO volunteers step up and organize this event. Unless some volunteers do, this event will not happen this year. If any-one wishes to step up, we an provide you with past information and documents, and some assistance for this event.

If you want to know more about this event or you are willing to help, please email contact [email protected].

Thank you for all the volunteers, past and present, who do help with the Sturgeon Point Association.

Commemoration to Flora Agnew

Doug Brown, a long standing member of Sturgeon Point, is organizing a commemoration to Flora Agnew
In November of 2012, Sturgeon Point lost one of it’s life long resident’s and matriarch’s, Flora Agnew. During her life, Flora was a long time supporter of the Sturgeon Lake Sailing Club and her family continues that tradition today. To recognize that and give a lasting tribute to Flora, a donation site has been set up to collect funds to purchase a much needed Optimist sailboat to add to the SLSC fleet. Please help to recognize and remember this great lady by going to and making a donation to help us reach our goal. Donations will be accepted until June 30, 2014 and any funds received over and above the set goal will go towards the purchase of a second boat.
Thank you all in advance for your help.