Lake water irrigation system up and running

Those of you who have been living or visiting the Point over the past several weeks may have noticed that the lake water irrigation system has been switched on. As most of you know, the system carries lake water from the pump house at the public beach to properties within an area roughly bounded by Irene Ave. and Lake Road. Note that this water is not potable (its not drinkable!) and the system is not to be connected to the internal plumbing system of your house or cottage. This water supply is ideal for watering your lawns and gardens and for other outdoor uses such as washing cars or the side of your house. These activities can be done without impacting the local water table as would happen if you drew water for these purposes from your well.

The lake water irrigation system operates from mid-May to sometime in October. Use of the lake water irrigation system costs $100/season, or $125/season if you have a lawn irrigation system. This system is currently managed by Dave Kennedy. If you are connected to this system please make your cheque payable to “SPA Water Account” and mail your payment to the SPA address or drop your payment into the green SPA mailbox in front of the park on Irene .  Inquiries about the lake water irrigation system can be made directly to Dave, or you can email spa@sturgeon and your email will be forwarded to Dave.

Bears – its that time of year again

Every spring and summer our community is visited by one or two members of the local black bear community. Black bears are rarely aggressive but their presence can pose a real danger to both humans and ultimately to the bears themselves. To reduce the risk of attracting bears into our village, please keep your garbage in bear resistant containers and put it out the morning of garbage day, not the night before. More tips and information can be found on the excellent Bear Wise web site set up by the MNR.

If you do experience a bear emergency, call 911. To report bear problems contact the Bear Reporting Line at: 1-866-514-BEAR (2327).