Ballot kits for the Ward 7 By-Election have been mailed and should have arrived at your residence by now. If you have not received your ballot kit, you may not be on the voters list. If you didn’t receive your ballot kit, you can call Judy Currins, the City’s Returning Officer, at 705-324-9411 Ext. 1295 to try to correct any problems that they might have reaching you. To cast your vote, ballots should be filled out and back in the mail by January 20th. Alternatively, ballots can be hand delivered up until 8:00 p.m. on January 25 at the Bobcaygeon Municipal Service Centre. Please check out our By-Election page for more information.
By-Election News: All Candidates Meeting
There will be an all-candidates meeting on January 7th at 7:00 p.m. at the Bobcaygeon Legion. This will give everyone a chance to hear the candidates in person. Although now format has been publicly announced yet, one can reasonably assume that there will be plenty of oppostunity to ask the candidates questions.
Remember, you can keep up to date on all things by-election right here on our By-Election page.
December 2009 Newsletter
The latest newsletter provides important imformation about the upcoming by-election and the Official Plan. You can read it right now by clicking here. This is the last newsletter of the year, and we’re looking forward to another busy year in 2010. Happy Holidays!
CoKL Growth Plan Strategy Public Meeting
The City is hosting meetings for public consultation on the Growth Plan Strategy and the Municipal Master Plan at two locations: The Coboconk Service Centre on December 9th and City Hall in Lindsay (Victoria Hall) on December 10th. There will be an open house starting at 4:00 p.m. at both locations, with the meeting starting at 7:00 p.m. You can read the details in the City’s Notice of Meeting.
The Growth Plan Strategy is ambitious: it provides a framework for growth in the City through to the year 2031. It deals directly with planned growth in the “urban” centres within the City: Lindsay, Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls and Omemee. The Plan will govern issues including infrastructure planning, transportation, waste management, urban form and natural heritage. While these issues clearly have an impact on the residents of the aforementioned urban areas, they will also affect those of us in the smaller communities (“hamlets”, to use the city planning jargon). Growth and waste management can have an impact on the local environment, including the quality of our lake water. And all of these issues are ultimately linked to our taxes.
If you are interested in these issues and have a chance to attend, please do so. These meetings are set up so that you can voice your concerns and opinions to protect your interests.