Bear Safety in Sturgeon Point

It’s that time of year again, and we would like to remind all area residents about the importance of bear safety in our community.

There have been several incidents in the past few weeks where bears have been very active, tipping garbage cans, rummaging looking for any source of food.

Please help by ensuring that all garbage is secure, and putting your garbage out until the morning is also a good practice. 

The Ministry of Natural Resources has released the provincial bear reporting hot-line number. Its toll-free and a part of the Bear Wise program, which educates people on how to avoid attracting bears. The number to remember is 1-866-514-2327.

Easter In The Park

Come out to the park for a fun filled Easter celebration in true Sturgeon Point style!

There are super activities planned for kids of all ages:

Egg Dying

Easter Craft  Activity

Sidewalk Chalk Art

And of course…an Easter Egg Hunt!

 There will be some munchy snacks and beverages for all.

 When: Join us at the park at 1:00 pm on Saturday, April 23rd

 The Egg Hunt will begin promptly at 1:30.

Please bring your own Easter baskets/bags.

All Candidates Meeting- Saturday October 9 at 10:00am

We invite you to come out and join us this Saturday October 9th  for the All Candidates Meeting at the Union Church in Sturgeon Point. The three mayoral candidates have confirmed their attendance (Ric McGee, Andy Letham, and Lynn Boldt) as have the two candidates for Councillor for Ward 7 (Brian Junkin and Gail Thomassen).

This is an excellent opportunity for you to meet the candidates and hear their positions. You’ll have the opportunity to ask them questions directly. There will be some time after the event to mingle with the candidates and get to know them a little better.  Everyone is welcome to attend. See you there!

Reminder:  If you still haven’t received your voter’s card you are encouraged to contact the City of Kawartha Lakes:

Election Office
City Hall, 2nd Floor
26 Francis Street
Lindsay, Ontario
K9V 5R8

705-324-9411 or 1-888-822-2225 Ext. 1255 or 1262